Magus Verus
Energy Exercises |
We live in a sea of energy. Everything around us is energy; we
are energy. Matter is energy in a very tight, very specific matrix or form. Energy bombards us in various forms every day:
light, sound, heat, radiation, gravity, ultraviolet light, microwaves, radio waves, television signals, and many, many others.
All these forms of energy both include and make up the more subtle energy that we use in magick. This more subtle energy form
has been called the "ether," or "aether," by some. Regardless of the name, it is a form of energy that interacts with, and
possibly comprises, all other energy types. The energy that is used in magick comes from six basic sources. The energy within ourselves The environment around us such as plants, rocks, nature, etc. Energy willingly given by others and/or energy created through
various forms of personal empowerment Energy from other planes of existence: astral, mental, elemental,
spiritual Energy from higher entities and divine sources. **From the pain/suffering/death of living beings. ** Use of this type of energy gathering is rare, yet powerful and
usually comes with grave consequences. This type of energy is usually reserved for the darker, and more black aspects
of magic. The human body is a fairly amazing system capable of many things,
including sensing the finer energies around us. Sensing magickal energy is ordinarily accomplished through a specialized form
of the sense of touch. However, some people use other senses, such as sight and hearing, to locate magickal energies. In fact,
every sense can detect magickal energies. Since the use of touch is the most common, that is where we will start. Exercise 1 (Touch) Energy Field Associated With Palm Chakras This exercise teaches you to feel energy fields. The body has special
energy transfer centers called chakras. There are seven major chakras located along the spine, 21 minor chakras (two are located
in the palms of the hand), and there are over 101 other energy points located across the body. The chakras help to regulate
the flow of energy within the body and to form the auric bodies. The auric bodies are basically shells of energy which surround
the body. Place the palms of your hands together in front of you. Move your hands apart until they are about one foot away from each
other. Slowly move your hands together until they touch. Move your hands apart until they are about six inches from each
other. Slowly move your hands together until they touch. Move your hands apart until they are about three inches from each
other. Slowly move your hands together until there is about one inch of
space between them. Repeat the last two steps several times, creating a "bouncing"
motion with your hands. Take a few moments to write down any perceptions or feelings you
experienced. Many people report a tingling sensation in their palms; they may
also feel warmth, coolness, pressure, etc. When I do this exercise, I feel a pressure similar to that observed when like poles
of a magnet are brought together. If you have never seen this phenomenon, get either two bar magnets or two disk magnets and
experiment with placing them together. Different poles will be attracted to each other, and like poles will be repelled by
each other. If you did not feel anything when doing this exercise, don’t worry. Some people take a bit longer to get used to sensing the energy
fields. Try repeating the exercise, but begin by rubbing your hands together briskly—as if they are cold and you are
trying to warm them—for about thirty seconds before beginning. Exercise 2 (Touch) Energy Associated With The Auric Field This exercise will give you another method for sensing the human
energy fields. Pay special attention to the feelings and sensations in your fingertips. Place your hands together in front of you. Move your hands apart until there is about half an inch separating
them. Pretend that there is an imaginary bar going through the centers
of your palms, so that your hands will rotate only backward and forward. Keep the left hand still and slowly rotate the right hand forward,
then slowly rotate the right hand backward. Repeat step 4 several times. The energy field that surrounds the body is called the aura. The
aura has many layers and shapes. The auric layer closest to the body tends to fit like a second skin. When you move your hands
back and forth, the energy fields surrounding the hands bump into each other. People often feel either tingling in the fingertips
or little ridges of pressure as the fingertips pass each other. You should practice these exercises over several weeks to help
yourself become acclimated to feeling the energy fields. The more you do these exercises, the more acute your senses will
become. Eventually, you will be able to distinguish between subtle energy patterns, recognize color by feel, and much more.
Being able to sense the energy fields and subtle patterns within them will be of extreme use if you do work with the various
forms of magickal healing (also another topic covered in a later lesson). Exercise 3 (Touch) Energies Associated With Your Auric Field Perform Exercise 1 (Touch). Hold your right hand about three inches above your left arm. Slowly move your right hand nearer to your arm until you begin
to sense the energy field. Slowly move your hand up and down your arm, noting any sensations
that you experience. Ordinarily, the energy field is fairly smooth around the body.
Unless you are suffering from some ailment or you have had some injury, the field will be fairly constant. Do not be surprised
if you can feel places where bones have been broken, etc. All ailments will leave energy residue in the auric field, even
long after the event has occurred and the injury has healed. The next time you hit your arm, try feeling the energy field
over the spot and around it, and notice the differences in the energy field. Exercise 4 (Touch) Energy Associated With Other Living Objects Exercise 4 helps you to begin sensing the energy fields of other
objects. Eventually, you will be able to sense the energy in dirt, ordinary rocks, etc. Everything has an energy field. You
will find that living things have stronger energy fields than inanimate objects, the exception being crystals. In this exercise
you will need a plant (either a potted plant, an outdoor plant or a tree, etc.) If you have a quartz or other crystal, that
will be useful. Perform Exercise 1 (Touch). Place your hands about one foot from the plant, tree, bush, etc.
Slowly move your hands closer to the plant until you begin to feel
its energy field. Once you begin to feel the energy field, slowly explore the plant.
You will generally find there are stronger fields around flowers
and buds, the tips of leaves, and around the root structure. Repeat this exercise using a crystal. (See Part IV for a Crystal
Guide and Usage) Exercise 5 (Touch) Sensing The Energy Fields Of Others So far, these exercises have been centered around living objects
and yourself. This next experiment requires a second person. Remember, you must have permission to "feel" another person. Perform Exercise 1 (Touch). Put your hand about three inches above the arm of the other person.
Slowly move your hand closer until you sense the other person’s
energy field. With different people, this occurs at different distances—anywhere from six inches to two or three feet,
depending on the person. The following experiments will generally produce results similar
to Exercise 1. Exercise 6 (Touch) Sensing The Energy Field Around Electrical Appliances This exercise will get you accustomed to feeling strong fields
around inanimate objects. You will need a computer monitor, or a TV, or a radio speaker, or a microwave, etc. Perform Exercise 1 (Touch). Put your hand(s) about six inches from the object you are sensing.
Slowly move your hand(s) closer to the object until you touch the
item. Move your hand slowly away from the item and toward it until you
sense the field. Electrical appliances will produce a stronger field than other
inanimate objects. It may take some practice to begin sensing these fields, but eventually you will be successful. Exercise 7 (Touch) Sensing The Energy Fields Around Inanimate Objects This last exercise in touch moves to working with inanimate objects.
Any non-living, non-electrical object will do. Perform Exercise 6 (Touch), but use an inanimate object instead.
The energy fields of inanimate objects are more subtle than those
of other items. It may take a good deal of practice of feel these fields, but given time and practice, you will be able to
sense them. In addition, when working with objects and other people, do not be surprised if you pick up impressions of things
that have happened to the people or the other objects. Some people have strong psychometric skill. Psychometry is a branch
of magick devoted to picking up impressions from objects and is a subset of channeling. Feeling the energy fields around objects can give you a great deal
of valuable information. However, touch is not the only sense we can use. The second most common sense used in magickal workings
is Sight. The next series of exercises will help you train yourself to see
energy fields. Sensing Energy by Sight Exercise 1 (Sight) For this exercise you will need some white poster board or a sheet of white paper. You will also need a sheet
of black construction paper or poster board. The sheet must be large enough so that your hand fits on it. In addition, you
will need to perform this exercise in a dim room. Relax. Perform Exercise 1 (Touch) several times. Hold your common-use hand (if you’re right-handed, use the right hand) in front of the white paper. Let the focus of your eyes relax and gaze at your hand. Given some time and practice, you will begin to see the auric field around your own hand. Try this experiment
using both the white and black paper. Beginners sometimes have an easier time with a dark background than a light background,
but this is not always true. During this experiment do not strain or try to force the experience—just let it happen. The Hands, Part 2 Relax. Perform Exercise 1 (Touch) several times. Hold your hand in front of the white paper with your index finger extended. Feel a beam of white light jump from your index finger and strike the paper. Let the focus of your eyes relax as you gaze at your hand and the paper. Once you are able to see the energy field around your hand, try to expand your focus to include larger objects.
Look at people and see what you "See." Try looking at plants and trees. Also, watch people who are really enthusiastic about
a subject they are discussing. People who are speaking on a subject they feel strongly about will generally have a very highly
energized auric field. My first experience with Sight was while listening to a person speaking to a club to which I belonged when I
was in college. The lady was very energetic, very motivated. She was standing in front of one of the old-style blackboards,
and I was completely absorbed in the topic. It was then that I looked past her and saw a bright outline surrounding her. About
to point this out to a friend who was sitting next to me, I saw that he was noticing it also. Actually, about half the audience
"saw" her energy field. Further exercises with the Sight are centered around other people and objects. You just need to relax,
let the focus of your eyes slip a little, and "look." Exercise 2 (Sight) You will need a house plant for this next exercise. Place the plant in front of the white paper and dim the lights a little. Sit and relax, and let your focus slowly fade Look at the plant, then sort of through it and past it. With practice, you should be able to see the energy field of the plant. Exercise 3 (Sight) In this exercise you will try to see your own energy field while looking in a mirror. You will need a quiet
area—preferably with a solid color door, either white or dark—and a mirror (size doesn’t matter, so long
as you can see your entire head in the mirror). Find a quiet place with low lighting. Sit or stand with your back to the door. Look at yourself in the mirror. Relax your focus and look "through/behind" yourself. With practice, you will begin to see the basic outline of your aura. In time, you will be able to see colors,
any problem spots, and—with more training—you will be able to distinguish between the auric layers. Exercise 4 (Sight) Exercise 4 depends on having a willing partner. Repeat Exercise 3 (Sight of Self), except have the other person stand/sit in front of the door. Others, Part 2 Exercise 6 is done while observing other people. You might choose to do this exercise before a class starts,
while in a mall, perhaps at a sporting event, etc. Choose a location with several people. Select one person at random and an object near them. Train your focus on the object near the person, and then relax your focus so that you include the person in
your gaze. Relax and look "through/behind" the individual. Sight will allow you to see energy fields, perceive subtle shifts in energy, spot trouble areas, etc. It is
also useful when working with certain forms of channeling/divination. With practice, you will also be able to see the energy
lines within the Earth, as well as energy pools. Remember that Sight may take some time to develop—each person develops
at a different rate. Any of the five basic senses can be developed to the point that you can use it to detect or feel energy. Energy
flows have a definite flavor, they have a smell, and they have a sound. After "touch" and Sight, the sense of sound is usually
the next one developed. Sensing Energy by Sound Consider sound: sound is nothing more than the excitation of particles at a certain rate. This rate, for humans,
is between 50Hz and 4.5KHz. Hz is the abbreviation for hertz; one hertz is defined as one cycle per second. 50 Hz means that
a wave repeats itself 50 times every second. 4.5Khz means that a wave repeats itself 4,500 times per second. The higher the
hertz, the higher-pitched the sound. At around 4.5KHz, sound passes beyond the ability of humans to hear. If you have ever taken music lessons or if you listen to music, you will know that in Western music there are
seven basic notes, or tones, in a scale. These tones can be made to sound higher or lower by changing the frequency. If you
go through the entire series of seven tones, you go through an octave and start again. Therefore, you can have the same "note"
at different levels: "Middle C," "C above Middle C," "C below Middle C," etc. These octave notes are called harmonics. When
"hearing" energy, it will register as a harmonic of a note or frequency that you can hear normally. To learn to "Hear" energy, most people find it useful to start with bells and chimes. There is also another
technique called "Inner Voice" or "Internalizing," wherein you vibrate a sound. The first step in learning to "Hear" is to
establish a base. Exercise 1 (Hearing) Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet area. Relax and strike the bell or chime. Listen to the sound as it fades to nothing. Strike the bell or chime again, but this time pay attention to the higher sounds. Listen to the sound as it fades. Strike the bell or chime again and pay attention to any vibrations that occur within your body. Developing the sense of "Hearing" to perceive energy fields takes some practice, but it can be done. As you
work, you may start to notice a low- or high-pitched whine just outside of your normal hearing range. Just remember to relax,
work with the sound, and listen to it Sensing Energy by Taste/Smell I am going to assume that before starting these exercises you will already have begun using one or more of the
other senses. Every emotional state has a specific rate or range of vibration. Since emotions can be very intense, the energy
associated them will be correspondingly intense. Further, the "flavor" and "smell" of the energy will be very pronounced,
especially when dealing with very strong emotions. The exercises for "tasting" and "smelling" energy will require other people
to begin with. he first step will be to "taste" and "smell" strong positive emotions. Generally, positive energy will have
a pleasant taste and smell. Negative energy, on the other hand, will generally have a bad or unpleasant taste and smell. Very
positive emotions can have a very sweet smell and taste. Very negative emotions can have a very bitter or sour taste and smell.
You must understand that these statements are generalizations only. Exercise 1 (Taste/Smell) This exercise will require you to attend some type of religious service. I select this venue, because the emotions
tend to be very strong and, usually, very positive. In addition, since there are a large number of people participating, the
concentration of energy will be much greater. When attending any type of religious service, be sure not to be disrupting (even
if you do not agree) and always be polite. Sit in a spot that is out of the way. Relax and open your senses. Follow throughout the service and "feel" the flow of energy. You will be surprised at the amount of energy that
occurs during song. When you feel a decent "surge" or level of energy, inhale deeply. Let your mind pick out the known and unknown scents. Think about the energy levels as you inhale. Inhale through your mouth and taste the smells. Think about the energy levels. If possible, make notes about your impressions and sensations. With practice, you will be able to discern a particular "taste" and "smell" for positive energy. With further
development, you will be able to "taste" and "smell" specific emotions. Exercise 2 (Taste/Smell) For Exercise 2, you will need another person, preferably a friend whom you trust. You need to do this when you
are not wearing perfume/cologne and are reasonably clean. You should try to limit the number of outside smells in the area.
Exercise 2 is designed to help you establish the tastes and smells of extreme ranges of emotions/energy. Find a relaxed and quiet area. Take several moments to breathe deeply, smelling and tasting what is in the area. Ask your friend to think, feel, and remember a very positive experience and to describe it to you. As your friend is talking, open your senses and feel the energy flows. While your friend is talking, concentrate
on the smells and tastes you are experiencing. After your friend is finished, ask him/her to think of a very bad experience and to relate it to you. Sense the energy fields and patterns. Concentrate on the smells and tastes as your friend speaks. After working through the base emotions, be sure to write down your impressions and experiences. You should work with this exercise several times before attempting the third exercise, because you will need
a base of reference from which to work. Exercise 3 (Taste/Smell) Find a relaxed and quiet area. Take several moments to breathe deeply, smelling and tasting what is in the area. Ask your friend to feel a specific emotion such as love, joy, happiness, anger, hate, etc. Have the friend tell you what they are feeling. Relax and open yourself to the energies around you, taste and smell the energy being generated by the person.
Repeat these steps for different emotions. After working through each emotion, write down your sensations and experiences. With practice and study, you can learn to use any of the five basic senses to sense energy fields. You will
be able to "find" certain types of energy and to recognize the energy types. If you branch out into healing, these senses
will become extremely useful when treating "disease" and other problems. The most important thing to remember through all
of this is not to get discouraged or upset. Some people start with very strong potentials for "Touch," "Sight," "Hearing,"
"Smell," and "Taste," while others must struggle to learn to use these senses. |